Ashtanga Intro Course
Tired, busy, overworked? Developing a regular yoga practice is the perfect way to regain peace of mind and strength in your body, build endurance and become more flexible over time. It’s a powerful tool, that not only works through your whole body, but will eventually help you go through the challenges of life with effortless ease.
In India, where my ancestors come from, yoga is traditionally being practiced daily. Imagine the amplified benefits and the transformational process you’ll go through when implementing a daily yoga practice. Ashtanga Yoga, the mother of power yoga, is just that. I help you develop a daily routine; a self-practice with Personal Yoga Training (PYT) that you can always fall back on.

All over the world Ashtanga Yoga practitioners practice and build on the same yoga sequence. A set series of poses, practiced in a specific order. There are six sequences in total. Everyone starts at the primary series, beginner or advanced yogi, but will progress through the series at their own pace.
' I am bringing this intelligent yoga method to Bonaire.'
Students receive individual instruction from their teacher and build on the sequence, every morning prior to work, 6 days a week with one rest day.
The shala, or yogastudio, is open daily from 6 am-8 am as an open practice space. You can walk in at any time before 7 am to roll out your mat. You practice in silence while I am there to assist, instruct and teach you the next asana in the sequence when your body is ready. Some asana’s take more time to learn than others. Just trust the process and your teacher. As a beginner Ashtangi, your practice may be as short as 20 minutes, but over time as you progress in the series, it will take up to 90 minutes.

Not familiar with the Ashtanga Yoga sequence yet? Here is your opportunity to start.
Personal Yoga Training
Sign up for this unique Personal Yoga Training (PYT) in a small group setting. Tara will teach you the tristana method; how to use your breath (pranayama) while engaging the energy locks (bandha’s) in the core of your body as you move through the sun saluations (the warm up of the sequence) with focussed attention (dristi).
Once you practiced this for about 15 minutes, you will be instructed 1:1 on to practice the Surya Namaskara's (Sun salutations). Depending on your ability, and stamina you will be instructed to practice more asana's. Remember, you will also have to memorise them. Every student is different and will be instructed at their own level.
When does it start?
Tara is currently travelling until end of February 2024, Studying with her teachers Petri Raisanen, Laruga Glaser and at the source of Ashtanga Yoga in Mysore India with Sharath ji.​
She will return to teaching in March 2024.
Mon 6:00 AM - 8:AM Self-Practice in group
Tue 6:00 AM - 8:AM Mysore PYT with Tara
Wed 6:00 AM - 8:AM Self-Practice in group
Thu 6:00 AM - 8:AM Mysore PYT with Tara
Fri 6:00 AM - 7:30AM Verbally guided Ashtanga class with Tara
You commit to join at east 3x per week and take 2 PYT and 1 verbally guided Ashtanga class per week minimum. If you commit to a daily practice you take one rest day per week on Sunday and an extra rest day on full moon and new moon.
It is advised to come to the studio at least 3 times a week on the teaching days, in order to receive individualised instruction and develop progressively in your practice.
What do you get?​​
3 weeks daily access to self-practice including PYT in small group setting worth $108*
Motivation and inspiration via private online community
Weekly group check-in
Ashtanga Yoga reference sheet worth US$10
FLXBL yogamat worth US$79
10% discount on 3 months of Mysore Program starting directly after this introduction course.
*) excluding rest days (Sundays and full/new moon days)
Your investmen: